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Principal Coach & Strategist

Reyna V. Drake

Principal Coach & Speaker

Reyna is an author, leadership coach, and a business development strategist who staunchly believes in dynamic growth as the single most powerful force at the disposal of each individual.

With a passion for and a commitment to helping people not only succeed but also thrive in business and their lives, Reyna draws on years of experience and decades of academic research to guide clients in kickstarting their dynamic growth, and implementing sustainable change.

She combines her experience in leadership, research, and business development to build and implement a host of programs that teach effective leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, conscious living, conscious business management, and conscious leadership to foster and enhance personal and professional prosperity.

Reyna has a 1st Class Honours in Law, and a Bachelors in Government, International Relations, and International Business.

She has a certification in Finance from Harvard University and is a published fiction author. Reyna is also the founder of the QuantumPrism Foundation dedicated to supporting the most vulnerable members of our communities whilst fostering a world in which those most vulnerable can better be integrated into society and thrive.

Be Decisive.

Book your complimentary 30 min leadership strategy session today

During your complimentary coaching session, we will assess your business and leadership strategy so as to pinpoint what is working and how to build on it. We will equally highlight key areas in need of improvement, evaluate the source of any issues, and establish your next steps.


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